A weed eater making a grinding noise is never a good sign. It’s an unwelcome sound signaling that your weed eater has a problem. But where is it coming from, and is something broken? Well, there are a number of …
What to Do with Thatch After Dethatching (4 Ideas)
If you have ever detached your lawn, then you’re aware of how much grass and thatch you end up pulling out of your lawn. Usually, you’ll have a great big pile of thatch that can be difficult to dispose of. …
What to Do After Dethatching Lawn (My Cheat Sheet)
Before you head out to dethatch your lawn, whether you use a power rake or a dedicated dethatcher, you’ll want to remember that there is more to dethatching than just removing the thatch. Well, that’s if you want to get …
How Do I Know If My String Trimmer Clutch is Bad? (5 Signs)
The easiest way to tell if your weed eater’s clutch is either going bad or has gone bad is if you notice the clutch not reacting how it should. It’s that easy. If you’re pulling the throttle on your weed …
Can Dethatching Hurt Your Lawn? (Mistakes to Avoid)
Dethatching, if done incorrectly, can have some pretty devastating effects on your lawn. However, this doesn’t mean you should skip the dethatching process completely, as too much thatch has its own set of problems. So let’s answer the question, can …