If your weed eater dies when you give it gas, then this is a clue as to what is going on. The fact that your weed eater runs when it’s idling but dies when you increase the throttle means something …
Weed Eater Bogs Down (Why + What to Do)
Having a weed eater that bogs down when you try to increase the throttle can be a real pain and can make weed-eating the yard a long, slow process. Now you’re not alone if your weed eater bogs down, as …
Weed Eater Making Grinding Noise (I Figured Out Why)
A weed eater making a grinding noise is never a good sign. It’s an unwelcome sound signaling that your weed eater has a problem. But where is it coming from, and is something broken? Well, there are a number of …
How Do I Know If My String Trimmer Clutch is Bad? (5 Signs)
The easiest way to tell if your weed eater’s clutch is either going bad or has gone bad is if you notice the clutch not reacting how it should. It’s that easy. If you’re pulling the throttle on your weed …
Weed Eater Not Getting Spark (Why + What to Do)
Sometimes you’ll find yourself getting worn out by repeatedly pulling and pulling your weed eater’s starter cord. A lot of the time, this is down to the fact that there is some kind of issue causing your weed eater to …