When I was a kid I used to play on the lawn all summer long. One year, I ran out ready to play some game or another and was hit with a God-awful smell. I swear it stank so bad I physically stumbled back a step or two. You see we lived on an old property and our septic tank had ruptured, so while I stood there sewage continuously bubbled up and out across my lawn.
Eventually, a truck came and pumped it all out, fixed the pipes, and I suppose someone cleaned off the lawn. I’ll never forget that smell, though. Hopefully what brought you here is nothing quite as dramatic as all that. If you are asking “Why does my lawn smell bad?” Then read on below to find out, and see what you can do about it!
Why Does My Lawn Smell Bad? (The Short Answer)
If not a sewer leak, the most common reason a lawn smells horrible is root rot. Poor drainage, over-watering, and other moisture-related issues can lead to a host of rancid odors. Bacteria, moss, fungus, and different bugs and insects can have unpleasant smells. Pets and other animals may also use your lawn as a toilet and increase the odors related to feces.
5 Possible Reasons for The Bad Smell Coming From Your Lawn
Below are 5 reasons why bad smells may be coming from your lawn. Some may address why your grass stinks, while others help you find outside sources of bad smells. Regardless of whether the offensive odors are coming from underground, rot in the grass, or a foreign intruder, getting to the root of the smell is the most important task.
Using the information below you should be able to identify the correct sources of your lawn’s bad smells. Once you are aware of what’s causing it, you can look at some of our immediate remedies to get your lawn smelling fresh and floral again.
1. Fungus
This odor-causing entity can enter a lawn through various methods. Chances are there are trillions of fungal spores on every surface of your lawn waiting for the right conditions to innoculate. Once a colony of fungus has formed, you may end up with bad smells and a hard task ridding your lawn of this nuisance.
Symptom – Fungus is most common in a lawn that is oversaturated and has some source of nitrogen or animal waste. It is common to find fungus near trees in lawns where pets roam free. If you have a soggy lawn and a fertilizer source you will see mushroom flushes and caps indicating your soil is in danger.
Problem – The conditions that mushrooms thrive in are not the best conditions for a healthy lawn. Often fungus is found in a forest ecosystem that encourages rapid decay. This rapid decay causes putrid odors to be generated and can be hard to eliminate.
What You Can Do – A small fungus problem can become a nightmare if you mow or rake the mushrooms. You will spread viable spores all over your yard inviting greater flushes the next time your soil stays wet. With gloves remove mushrooms by hand and take them completely away from your lawn. Let your soil dry out completely before returning to your modified (reduced) watering schedule.
2. Root rot
Many things can cause the roots of your grass to begin to die. Drought, pests, improper application of herbicide and many other issues can cause the grass to rot instead of breaking down as is natural.
Symptom – Typically, poor soil, bad drainage, and a build-up of plant material combine to cause the roots under the soil to root and smell. If you can smell an odor and also see increasing browning and dead areas of the lawn, that could be a problem.
Problem – The main issue with root rot is that by the time you notice the smell, the damage under the soil is already extensive. It may be necessary to reseed the entire lawn if the problem has been untreated for too long. If your turf doesn’t die completely then it will be stunted and may require a lot of work before it is lush and green again.
What You Can Do – If you catch it early, you can usually save your lawn by letting it dry out completely. Once the soil is drier you can rake and remove any thatch or build-up. After that, your lawn may benefit from aeration and a light fertilizer. Once restored, you can adjust your watering schedule to prevent future issues.
3. Poor drainage / Broken sewer system
There may be times when you can distinctly smell methane coming from your lawn. When this happens it is usually one of two things. If the smell is very strong like raw sewage, it is most likely a broken sewer pipe. You will want to call a professional.
On the other hand, if the smell is more of the rotten eggs associated with a wicked fart, it might just be an indicator of poor drainage. When the groundwater seeps into the pipes below some gas exchange happens and with enough rain, the gas will be forced to the surface. These lawn farts may be your issue.
Symptoms – The smell of sewage or methane after rain or after extensive lawn watering are symptoms of this problem. If most of the time there is no odor but after watering there is, you may need to look for the problem below ground.
Problem – A crack or damage to the sewer pipes below your lawn could be the cause of bad odors. If you can’t figure out why your lawn smells bad only on occasion, then check to see if it’s usually stinky after watering.
What You Can Do – If you determine it is damage to the pipes you may need to replace or repair the damage. If left, these pipes could rupture leading to a very stinky situation. Take my word for it.
4. Animal or Pet Feces
Sometimes something comes into your yard and then goes. Usually, nature is able to handle some feces and it breaks down quickly. But consistent or excessive use of your turf as a toilet can lead to damage, plant stress, and a lawn that smells horrible.
Symptom – If you witness increasing numbers of flies and bugs and start to catch off smells in corners of your lawn, then feces is probably the culprit. You may also catch the bandit in your yard and then you’ll know for sure it’s poop causing the stenches.
Problem – Other than the obvious bad smell, stepping in animal feces is never fun. Add nasty flies landing on your food and face and you can see that nobody wants this. Too much animal manure can lead to a nutrient imbalance and kill parts of your lawn leading to other atrociously smelling maladies.
What You Can Do – Educate your pets and talk to your neighbors about their pets and where it’s acceptable to “do their business”. If there is still a problem, consider fences or other barriers to keep animals off your lawn. I’d also recommend walking around and picking up the feces and disposing of it accordingly, so it doesn’t just sit there on your grass for long periods.
5. Bacteria and Moss
In situations where the soil becomes waterlogged or grows permanently in the shade, a lawn may develop bacteria and moss. Most bacteria and moss, like fungus, have a smell that is not one we like to associate with our lawn. It is more a smell of decay and rot and less a smell of spring and happiness.
Symptom – Some areas of your turf may begin to die off and give way to moss. This moss, if undisturbed, will spread and lead to the overly wet turf. Bit by bit the pH and composition of the lawn will change and more anaerobic bacteria will begin to grow. When you mow or rake these areas the smell can be intense.
Problem – Patches of moss can lead to soil structure changes and bad smells. These areas develop bacteria that feed on grass roots. This cycle, if left untreated, can lead to large areas of dead lawn and rotten grass.
What You Can Do – Make sure all areas of your lawn drain well and receive some sunlight. You can also reduce how much you water in flood-prone and soggy areas of your lawn.
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