Electrical systems are great because they take a lot of the effort out of starting and operating a lawn mower. Well, that’s true until something goes wrong with the electrical system. For example, problems such as your lawn mower blowing …
Lawn Mower Battery Not Charging (Why + What to Try)
Your lawn mower battery starts your mower without a problem, but after a while, it goes flat. Then, the next time you go to start your mower, the battery doesn’t have enough power to fire up your engine. Sound familiar? …
How to Fix a Lawn Mower Throttle Cable (18 Simple Steps)
Throttle cables are a simple part of a lawn mower and resemble a brake cable on a bicycle. They consist of nothing more than an inner metal cable inside the outer sleeve. While they are simple, they are very important. …
Pull Start Rips Out of Your Hand (Why + Solutions)
Having a pull start rip out of your hand can not only be a painful experience but can also make getting your lawn mower started difficult. Unfortunately, this is actually a pretty common problem with most lawn mowers. It usually …
Lawn Mower Engine Has No Compression (Why + How to Fix)
If you’re pulling on your lawn mower’s starter cord and getting no resistance, then it’s likely because the engine has no compression. So, what are the different causes of low or no compression in a lawn mower engine, and can …