Lawn mowers are like any other machine in that they need to be properly maintained or they will fall into disrepair. An important component of lawn mower maintenance is removing the blades periodically to clean, and if necessary, sharpen them. …
Lawn Mower Blade Loose: What to Do + Why
Have you recently started hearing a rattling sound while you mow? Super annoying, right?! The good news is that there’s a solution – it’s not a sign that your mower is on its last legs. It’s likely a sign that …
How to Drain Gas from Lawn Mower without a Siphon?
There are a number of reasons why you might need to drain the gas from the fuel tank on your mower. The most common is when you’re winterizing your mower and preparing it for storage, as old gas that’s just …
Lawn Sprinklers Made in the USA
Trying to find lawn sprinklers made in the USA these days is harder than finding an honest politician. For the past 40+ years large corporations have been snapping up small independent companies and those corporations themselves have been snapped up …
Water in Gas Lawn Mower: How It Happens + What to Do
There are lots of reasons that a gas lawn mower might not start up, but without a doubt one of the most common that I hear of is water in the tank. If you don’t know much about small engines, …